Mr. Vinod Singh Head of School of Trio World Academy Bangalore has excellent academic credentials. He has double Master’s degrees in Computer Science as well as a Degree in Education. Prior to Trio, he has experience of leading four different schools of repute, mostly international. His overall experience in education stands more than 25 years. Trained in the IB programs he has experience of teaching IB Diploma to the international students. Apart from the IB programmes, he also has experience in ICSE and CBSE, as a teacher as well as a leader.
He has been instrumental in planning and setting up IB curricula in a number of schools. He emphasizes on whole education (without compromising academic excellence and rigour) which has been the highlight of his belief and passion and has resulted in Trio being ranked one of the best in the business year after year.
He has attended a number of IB workshops, leadership conferences and delivered lectures in India and overseas.
We hope to achieve great heights with him as an education advisor.